Johns Hopkins Institute for Education Policy
Integrated Education Resources

School Culture Survey 360™
This survey instrument produces an “under the hood” analysis of the individual beliefs and institutional habits that influence student success. This best-in-class survey also identifies equity gaps in access to rigorous instruction, an open classroom climate, and social and emotional support.
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Knowledge Maps™
The Knowledge Maps™, developed in both English language arts and social studies, provide stakeholders with information about whether the curricula adequately build students’ content knowledge - an indispensable foundation for strong academic outcomes. The reviews also include measures of curricular depth and quality, and a special focus on cultural diversity and inclusion.
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Teacher Survey of Curriculum Use
The teacher surveys create a full picture of teachers’ usage and satisfaction level with curriculum materials. States and districts have found this to be a powerful tool in surfacing teachers’ habitual instructional practices and their judgments of the current instructional materials they are expected to use.
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Classroom Observations
Observations are conducted either in person or using a 360-degree camera to gather key data about instructional rigor and standards alignment. The resulting information can serve system leaders by giving them an accurate, objective portrait of teaching practices in a representative sample of their classrooms.
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Focus Groups
These scaffolded discussions help uncover community impressions about the conditions of schooling and often focus on instructional practices and standards alignment.
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Benchmark Analysis
This analysis provides an accurate picture of a district’s academic performance in math and English language arts against carefully matched comparison districts.
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